ITS, International Talent Support is a platform to give exposure and support to young creativity.
ITS#PHOTO, the photography competition of ITS, is in its fifth year now and has become a renowned and important international contest organised in partnership with car brand MINI. Last year’s winner had the chance to spend a week shooting together with photographer Sarah Moon, and their pictures became an exhibition presented by GQ Magazine with a special event in Milan. The exhibiton will also travel around the world to New York, Tokyo, Paris and many other cities during 2009.
Contestants - young photographers and students from photography schools all over the planet - will be asked to produce a series of images (12 to 15) on the theme "Originality". Finalists will fly to Trieste, Italy in July 2009 for the final event. Their photos will be displayed in a dedicated exhibition in the location of ITS#EIGHT and viewed by all the guests of the event: international press, opinion leaders, professional photographers and many more.
There is no entry fee, no money to pay, just submit your creativity following the rules! Deadline to enrol is 25 March 2009
* MINI Clubman Photo Award: € 10.000 + a photo shoot together with a renowned photographer, travelling exhibition around the world, dedicated article in international magazine and the opportunity to participate in the production of a photo shoot to be published together with a dedicated article in a renowned magazine.
* SVA PhotoGlobal award (Offered by School of Visual Arts, New York): the winner receives a scholarship to the one year intensive PhotoGlobal photography course at School of Visual Arts in New York City.
* Pitti Immagine Photo Award: PITTI Immagine will choose 2 winners to create the advertising campaigns for the Womenswear Fairs that Pitti organises in Milan twice a year.
Follow this link and read out all of the instructions: http://www.itsweb.org/jsp/en/photography/index.jsp
For even more info, you can check you the FAQ (frequently asked questions) section: http://www.itsweb.org/jsp/en/faqphotography/index.jsp
There also an online branch of the competition! Photographers who want to enrol only have to upload their pictures on the dedicated website www.itsphotoweb.org. The winner of this online competition will join the selected finalists for ITS#PHOTO and come to Italy in July too