Photo: Horizonville, 2005 © Yann Gross
PHotoEspaña's Portfolio Review
Call for entries, now until January 25, 2009
PHotoEspaña, International Photography and Visual Arts Festival, invites photographers to submitt their work to Descubrimientos PHE, the Festival's portfolio review. This event offers photographers the opportunity to present their work to curators and editors. This year PHotoEspaña is organizing reviews in Madrid, Lima and Mexico DF. The closing date for submissions has been extended until January 25, 2009. Register online at www.phe.es/descubrimientos_en.
Descubrimientos PHE Madrid is open to photographers of all nationalities, ages and photographic disciplines. The artists selected to participate in the activity will have an opportunity to show their work to 8 reviewers and form part of a collective exhibition in the Official Section of PHotoEspaña 2009. The review will be held at the Complejo el Águila in Madrid on June 11, 12 and 13, 2009. The reviewers are:
Mónica Allende, The Sunday Times Magazine, London
Ferran Barenblit, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid
David Birkitt, Bill Charles Agency, London
Enrico Bossan, Colors Magazine, Catena di Villorba
Helen Cadwallader, Brighton Photo Biennial, Brighton
Jean-François Chougnet, Museu Berardo, Lisbon
David Clarke, Tate Gallery, London
Stephan Erfurt, C/O Berlin, Berlin
Antonio Franco Domínguez, Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo (MEIAC), Badajoz
Carlos Gollonet, Comisario y editor independiente, Granada
Susan Kismaric, Museum of Modern Art - MoMA, New York
Maria Mann, European Pressphoto Agency - EPA, Frankfurt
Vincent Marcilhacy, Agence VU, Paris
Lesley A. Martin, Aperture Foundation, New York
Salvador Nadales, Museo Nacional Centro de Art Reina Sofía - MNCARS, Madrid
Kathy Ryan, The New York Times Magazine, New York
Rod Slemmons, The Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago
Roger Szmulewicz, Fifty One Fine Art Photography, Anthwerp
Anna Tellgren, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Descubrimientos PHE Lima is open to all photographers residing in Latin America. The artists selected to participate in the activity will be able to show their work to the panel of reviewers. In addition, the Instituto Cervantes will choose some of the photographers to present their work in a collective exhibition in the Official Section of PHotoEspaña 2009. The review will be held at the Centro Cultural de España en Lima on April 3 and 4, 2009. The reviewers are:
Alejandro Castellanos, Centro de la Imagen, Mexico City
Melissa Harris, Aperture Magazine y Aperture Foundation, New York
François Hébel, Les Rencontres d'Arles, Arles
María Iovino, Comisaria independiente, Bogota
Pablo Juliá, Centro Andaluz de la Fotografía, Almería
Joana Mazza, FotoRio, Rio de Janeiro
Carlo Trivelli, El Comercio, Lima
Descubrimientos PHE México DF is open to all photographers residing in Latin America. The artists selected to participate in the activity will be able to show their work to the panel of reviewers. In addition, the Instituto Cervantes will choose some of the photographers to present their work in a collective exhibition in the Official Section of PHotoEspaña 2009. The review will be held at the Centro Cultural de España en México on February 27 and 28, 2009. The reviewers are:
Eduardo Brandão, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo
Charlotte Cotton, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles
Roberto Huarcaya, Centro de la Imagen, Lima
Michael Mack, Steidl, London
Daniel Merle, La Nación, Buenos Aires
María Inés Rodríguez, Comisaria y crítica independiente, Colombia-France
Itala Schmelz, Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico City
All of the portfolio review participants will have a chance at the Descubrimientos PHE Epson Award, which consists in an individual exhibition in PHotoEspaña 2010. And, their images and curricular information will be included in the Descubrimientos PHE Guide, a reverence for the press and Festival guests.
Photo: Descubrimientos PHE08 © Gianfranco Tripodo
If you have any inquiries regarding the activity, please write to: eadams@phe.es
Descubrimientos PHE is made possible with the support of:
Comunidad de Madrid
Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo - AECID
Centro Cultural de España en Lima
Centro Cultural de España en México
Instituto Cervantes