Concours du 20/11/2007 au 07/01/2008 Terminé
Descubrimientos PHE is PHotoEspaña's portfolio review, bringing together emerging photographers and international curators, museum directors, gallery owners and editors. This year 70 finalists will be chosen to participate in this activity that consists in:
The Portfolio Review. From June 5 -7, 2008 participants will present their portfolios, and reviewers will offer their advice.
The Exhibition. Works by all of the portfolio review participants will be shown in a collective exhibition during PHotoEspaña.
The Descubrimientos Epson Award. Each year one of the portfolio review participants is recognized with the Descubrimientos Epson Award, consisting of an individual exhibition in the Festival PHotoEspaña2009.
To register: www.phedigital.com
until: 22nd January 2008
Descubrimientos PHE08 Reviewers
Tina Ahrens
Photo Editor, GEO Magazine, New York
Saskia Asser
Curator, Huis Marseille Museum for Photography, Amsterdam
Martin Barnes
Senior Curator of Photographs, Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Jen Bekman
Owner, Jen Beckman Gallery, New York
Eduardo Brandão
Curator, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo
Clément Chéroux
Curator of Photography, Centre Pompidou, Paris
Catherine Coleman
Curator of Photography, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid
Bodo Von Dewitz
Curator of Photography, Ludwig Museum, Cologne
Lola Garrido
Curator, critic and collector of photography, Madrid
Gigi Gianuzzi
Editor, Trolley Books, London
Rosina Gómez-Baeza
Director, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón-Asturias
José Lebrero
Director, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo. Seville
Jon Levy
Director and Editor, foto8, EI8HT Magazine, HOST Gallery, London
Michael Mack
Editor, steidlMACK, London
Michel Mallard
Director, Michel Mallard Studio, Paris
Daniel Power
Director and Editor, powerHouse Books, powerHouse Arena, New York
Sergio Rubira
Assistant Director, Editorial Group EXIT Imagen y Cultura, Madrid
Britt Salvesen
Curator, The Center for Creative Photography, Arizona
Hripsimé Visser
Curator of Photography, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Octavio Zaya
Independent curator and critic, New York/Spain