Concours du 28/12/2012 au 18/5/2013 Terminé
Now in its 9th year, the Art of Photography Show is an established and critical force in the world of contemporary photography. The show provides tangible benefits to artists trying to break into the public eye. This well thought out international exhibition provides value to artists at every turn, from first-rate viewing in the judging process to exhibition and publication opportunities, photo industry connections and monetary awards.
Conditions de participation
WEBSITE: www.artofphotographyshow.com
The online entry process is very easy, simply filling out a short registration form and then uploading your images as JPEG files. Images created via any form of photography will be accepted for consideration.
Julia Dolan is the esteemed judge for the Art of Photography Show 2013. Dr. Dolan is the Curator of Photography at the Portland Art Museum. Dr. Dolan holds a B.F.A. in Photography from the Maryland Institute College of Art, an M.A. in Art History from the Pennsylvania State University, and a Ph.D. in Art History from Boston University. She has worked with photography collections at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Addison Gallery of American Art, and the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University. Dr. Dolan's responsibilities include researching and growing the permanent collection of the Portland Art Museum, including contemporary works.
Images created via any form of photography will be accepted for consideration (i.e. shot on film, shot digitally, unaltered shots, alternative process, mixed media, digital manipulations, montages, photograms, etc.), so long as part of the image is photographically created.
Begin by filling out the Registration form.
Entries must be submitted as digital files in the JPEG format. Image size must be at least 1500 pixels on the longest side (but no larger than 3000 pixels), and must be sent via one of these means:
Upload via this website (preferred method)
Email to: entries@artofphotographyshow.com
Mail a CD to the address listed on our Contact page.
Additional details about our JPEG entry specifications can be viewed here. For more info about the Show, check out our FAQ page.
May 18, 2013: Final Deadline for submission of Entries, Registration Form and Entry Fee
June 29, 2013: Announcement of accepted entries
August 30, 2013: Deadline for receipt of framed prints
October 12, 2013: Show opens with the Opening Reception Gala
November 17, 2013: Last day of the Show
Our judge, Julia Dolan, will view the entries with a high-resolution digital projector in a very well organized manner. It is a blind judging process, an even playing field for all entrants. Once she has made her selections for the Show, the artists will all be notified via email on June 29, 2013. Each artist whose art is selected for exhibition in the gallery will arrange to print and frame those selected pieces. The "ready to hang" framed prints must be delivered to San Diego by August 30, 2013. So, if your work is selected for exhibition in the gallery, you'll have nine weeks to prepare and deliver your framed art.
Work selected for exhibition in the gallery needs to be framed or have some other form of presentation device and arrive here "ready to hang". Presentation is very important in our view, so we want to encourage you to professionally prepare your art for the exhibition and sales.
$2,000 1st Place Award
$1,600 2nd Place Award
$1,200 3rd Place Award
$ 800 4th Place Award
$ 400 (11) Honorable Mention Awards
Any person in the world may submit images for consideration. Art must be original, created by the person who enters that work. Entries previously submitted to the Art of Photography Show are eligible for consideration if: A) They were not selected for exhibition, and B) The digital criteria defined above is met. Art which has been exhibited within a previous Art of Photography Show is not eligible.
$25 for the first entry, $10 for each additional entry. There is no limit to the number of entries an artist may enter. Artists who entered work in any previous Art of Photography Show or Art of Digital Show will receive a $15 discount towards the Art of Photography Show 2013. (The registration system will recognize your email address, so be sure to register with the same email address that you used when you registered previously). The "entry fee" is the fee to enter images in this competition. Once the entry deadline has passed, the entry fee is non-refundable.
Secure online payment via Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express or with your PayPal account. If you would rather not pay online, you may fax your credit card info to us. Or you can mail us a check.
The Registration Form, the Entry Materials, and the Entry Fee must be received by May 18th at 11:59 pm PDT (California Time).
Final acceptance of entries in the Art of Photography Show exhibition is up to the Curator's discretion after viewing the delivered framed prints. If a print does not match the appearance of the JPEG entry, or if the print quality or the framing (presentation device) are not suitable quality for gallery presentation, the Curator may ask the artist to replace whichever element is not suitable. This is going to be an excellent show, so we expect that all of the art be presented in a professional manner.
200 images will be chosen by our judge, Julia Dolan. Approximately 100 pieces will be selected by her to hang in the physical gallery exhibition, running October 12 through November 17, 2013. All 200 images will be permanently displayed on our website. We will notify all 200 "chosen" artists whether their work will be displayed in the actual physical gallery. We feel that being in the top 200 makes each of the accepted pieces at the same exceptional level of achievement, but the judge will curate which images fit best together in the physical gallery space.
Exhibited work will be available for sale (unless the artist designates certain entries NFS). The price for each framed print is entirely up to each artist to decide. The Art of Photography Show will retain a commission of 40% on all sales that occur during the exhibit or which occur later as a direct result of the exhibit. The balance will be mailed to the artist. (We donate the 40% to the San Diego Art Institute, which is a 501(c)3 non-profit arts organization).
Entries which are accepted for exhibition must be shipped to San Diego (or delivered in-person) by August 30, 2013. Entries must be packaged securely in a sturdy shipping box, even if the artist delivers his or her work in-person. Received work that is not sold must be shipped out at the artist's expense, with shipping arranged by the artist (or picked up in-person) by December 17, 2013. We'll retain all of the packaging box/materials in which the artist's work is sent to us. If the work does not sell, we will re-use the packaging to send the work back to the artist.
All entrants agree that any image they submit to the Art of Photography Show which is chosen by our judge may be used for marketing and promotional purposes directly related to the Art of Photography Show. This use may include, but is not limited to, publication in any Art of Photography Show printed materials, advertisements, electronic media, Internet, social media, television, catalog, DVD, magazine, gallery shows, and on artofphotographyshow.com. Any image used by the Art of Photography Show shall carry a credit line of the artist. Copyright and all other rights remain that of the artist.
Steven Churchill
Email: steven@artofphotographyshow.com
Phone: (619) 825-5575
WEBSITE: www.artofphotographyshow.com
The online entry process is very easy, simply filling out a short registration form and then uploading your images as JPEG files. Images created via any form of photography will be accepted for consideration.
Julia Dolan is the esteemed judge for the Art of Photography Show 2013. Dr. Dolan is the Curator of Photography at the Portland Art Museum. Dr. Dolan holds a B.F.A. in Photography from the Maryland Institute College of Art, an M.A. in Art History from the Pennsylvania State University, and a Ph.D. in Art History from Boston University. She has worked with photography collections at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Addison Gallery of American Art, and the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University. Dr. Dolan's responsibilities include researching and growing the permanent collection of the Portland Art Museum, including contemporary works.
Images created via any form of photography will be accepted for consideration (i.e. shot on film, shot digitally, unaltered shots, alternative process, mixed media, digital manipulations, montages, photograms, etc.), so long as part of the image is photographically created.
Begin by filling out the Registration form.
Entries must be submitted as digital files in the JPEG format. Image size must be at least 1500 pixels on the longest side (but no larger than 3000 pixels), and must be sent via one of these means:
Upload via this website (preferred method)
Email to: entries@artofphotographyshow.com
Mail a CD to the address listed on our Contact page.
Additional details about our JPEG entry specifications can be viewed here. For more info about the Show, check out our FAQ page.
May 18, 2013: Final Deadline for submission of Entries, Registration Form and Entry Fee
June 29, 2013: Announcement of accepted entries
August 30, 2013: Deadline for receipt of framed prints
October 12, 2013: Show opens with the Opening Reception Gala
November 17, 2013: Last day of the Show
Our judge, Julia Dolan, will view the entries with a high-resolution digital projector in a very well organized manner. It is a blind judging process, an even playing field for all entrants. Once she has made her selections for the Show, the artists will all be notified via email on June 29, 2013. Each artist whose art is selected for exhibition in the gallery will arrange to print and frame those selected pieces. The "ready to hang" framed prints must be delivered to San Diego by August 30, 2013. So, if your work is selected for exhibition in the gallery, you'll have nine weeks to prepare and deliver your framed art.
Work selected for exhibition in the gallery needs to be framed or have some other form of presentation device and arrive here "ready to hang". Presentation is very important in our view, so we want to encourage you to professionally prepare your art for the exhibition and sales.
$2,000 1st Place Award
$1,600 2nd Place Award
$1,200 3rd Place Award
$ 800 4th Place Award
$ 400 (11) Honorable Mention Awards
Any person in the world may submit images for consideration. Art must be original, created by the person who enters that work. Entries previously submitted to the Art of Photography Show are eligible for consideration if: A) They were not selected for exhibition, and B) The digital criteria defined above is met. Art which has been exhibited within a previous Art of Photography Show is not eligible.
$25 for the first entry, $10 for each additional entry. There is no limit to the number of entries an artist may enter. Artists who entered work in any previous Art of Photography Show or Art of Digital Show will receive a $15 discount towards the Art of Photography Show 2013. (The registration system will recognize your email address, so be sure to register with the same email address that you used when you registered previously). The "entry fee" is the fee to enter images in this competition. Once the entry deadline has passed, the entry fee is non-refundable.
Secure online payment via Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express or with your PayPal account. If you would rather not pay online, you may fax your credit card info to us. Or you can mail us a check.
The Registration Form, the Entry Materials, and the Entry Fee must be received by May 18th at 11:59 pm PDT (California Time).
Final acceptance of entries in the Art of Photography Show exhibition is up to the Curator's discretion after viewing the delivered framed prints. If a print does not match the appearance of the JPEG entry, or if the print quality or the framing (presentation device) are not suitable quality for gallery presentation, the Curator may ask the artist to replace whichever element is not suitable. This is going to be an excellent show, so we expect that all of the art be presented in a professional manner.
200 images will be chosen by our judge, Julia Dolan. Approximately 100 pieces will be selected by her to hang in the physical gallery exhibition, running October 12 through November 17, 2013. All 200 images will be permanently displayed on our website. We will notify all 200 "chosen" artists whether their work will be displayed in the actual physical gallery. We feel that being in the top 200 makes each of the accepted pieces at the same exceptional level of achievement, but the judge will curate which images fit best together in the physical gallery space.
Exhibited work will be available for sale (unless the artist designates certain entries NFS). The price for each framed print is entirely up to each artist to decide. The Art of Photography Show will retain a commission of 40% on all sales that occur during the exhibit or which occur later as a direct result of the exhibit. The balance will be mailed to the artist. (We donate the 40% to the San Diego Art Institute, which is a 501(c)3 non-profit arts organization).
Entries which are accepted for exhibition must be shipped to San Diego (or delivered in-person) by August 30, 2013. Entries must be packaged securely in a sturdy shipping box, even if the artist delivers his or her work in-person. Received work that is not sold must be shipped out at the artist's expense, with shipping arranged by the artist (or picked up in-person) by December 17, 2013. We'll retain all of the packaging box/materials in which the artist's work is sent to us. If the work does not sell, we will re-use the packaging to send the work back to the artist.
All entrants agree that any image they submit to the Art of Photography Show which is chosen by our judge may be used for marketing and promotional purposes directly related to the Art of Photography Show. This use may include, but is not limited to, publication in any Art of Photography Show printed materials, advertisements, electronic media, Internet, social media, television, catalog, DVD, magazine, gallery shows, and on artofphotographyshow.com. Any image used by the Art of Photography Show shall carry a credit line of the artist. Copyright and all other rights remain that of the artist.
Steven Churchill
Email: steven@artofphotographyshow.com
Phone: (619) 825-5575