Brighton Photo Fringe supports photographers and lens-based artists by opening up spaces, coordinating participatory projects and creating opportunities. Every two years Brighton Photo Fringe brings together a city-wide festival of exhibitions and events that runs alongside Brighton Photo Biennial. OPEN 2010 will be the keynote exhibition of this yearʼs Brighton Photo Fringe festival and will be closely linked to Brighton Photo Biennial: New Documents, curated by Martin Parr.
Deadline: 5pm Monday 7 June 2010
Selectors : Charlotte Cotton (writer and curator, Creative Director, National Media Museum), Martin Parr (photographer, editor and curator, Guest Curator of Brighton Photo Biennial 2010)
Val Williams (writer and curator, Director of Photography and the Archive Research Centre, London College of Communication)
Selected artist will receive
• High profile solo exhibition as part of Brighton Photo Fringe at Phoenix Brighton
• Artistʼs fee
• Production budget
• Travel expenses (within the UK)
• Emerging and mid-career photographic artists
• Currently living or working in the UK
• Any lens-based medium
• Existing body of work which has not been previously exhibited in the UK
Submission Fee: £15.00
To apply please send
1. Up to a maximum of 20 images in JPEG format (72 dpi, each image no larger than 3MB) or film or video works on DVD (by post) or as QuickTime files (via FTP or www.yousendit.com).
2. Details of submitted works, including year of production, dimensions and any specific printing, framing or equipment requirements.
3. Statement of up to 500 words about your work.
4. Description of up to 250 words about how your work will be presented.
5. Artistʼs CV including personal information and contact details (up to 2-sides A4 maximum).
6. Submission fee: £15 cheque made payable to ʻBrighton Photo Fringeʼ (or through PayPal to info@photofringe.org)
7. Stamped addressed envelope if you would like your materials returned.
Email submissions to: info@photofringe.org
Or post submissions to:
Brighton Photo Fringe OPEN 2010,
Silverstone EDB 128,
University of Sussex,