Deadline for portfolio's to arrive at Oeil Public office will be Sept. 5th 2009.
There are also possibilities to drop off the digital portfolio's at this years Visa pour l'Image in Perpignan. Please call + 33 (0)6 71 21 84 14 to make an appointment with our staff.
Oeil Public is a photographic agency focusing on story telling by the use of photographic essays both in print, multimedia, exhibitions and book form.
For more information please go to our homepage: www.oeilpublic.com
Portfolio's will be looked at, at the annual meeting held between Sept. 7th and Sept 9th 2009 in France.
- Up to 50 images should be submitted digitally. Please do not send images presented in a quicktime file or powerpoint, jpg images only.
- The resolution of each image must be 72 dpi and cannot exceed 1500 pixels on the longest side.
- Images should be submitted on a CD-ROM as JPEG files with compression 8-10.
- Please number your photographs in the order that you want them to be presented. Use your last name first, followed by the initial of your first name, followed by numbers of the files. Example for John Smith: smithj01.jpg, smithj02.jpg,...
- Place all jpg's in one folder, and all accompanying files and documentation in another folder.
- Please include a statement about your work(s), bio, CV and current contact information.
Things to remember:
Please check the CD and make sure it works, also please Label your information clearly, so there will be no mix up.
We are looking for photographers with strong storytelling abilities, with focus on personal or long term projects.
If your portfolio does not meet these requirements, it will not be considered.
Submissions should be sent to Oeil Public office in Paris
17 rue Ramponeau
75020 Paris
Tel: + 33 1 43 15 00 33
If you have any questions please email: oeilpublic@oeilpublic.net