aspex seeks emerging artists working in all media for its open submission exhibition EMERGENCY4. This summer a maximum of 12 artists will be selected for a group show which will take place at the gallery later this year. From these short-listed artists a winner will be chosen to receive the prize of a solo exhibition at aspex in 2011.
This year's selectors are:
David Blandy, artist
Deborah Smith, freelance curator
Michael Stanley, Director, Modern Art Oxford
Joanne Bushnell, Director, aspex.
Previous winners have been Cathy Ward & Eric Wright in 2008, Tim Machin in 2006, and Susan Collis in 2004.
aspex is Portsmouth's leading contemporary art gallery. Founded in 1981, the gallery specialises in supporting contemporary artists at an early stage in their careers and is a showcase for new work being produced at a regional, national and international level. Over the last 28 years aspex has shown the work of over 1,000 artists, many of whom have gone on to achieve international success and acclaim.
The biennial open submission exhibition EMERGENCY4 is an essential part of the organisation's programme, providing emerging artists with an opportunity to bring their work to wider attention.
This initiative is organized in partnership with arc, aspex's artists' resource centre.
For further information and to download an application form please visit: