Ville Lenkkeri
- Exposition
« The place of no Roads » de Ville Lenkkeri au Musée de la photographie André Villiers
La série The Place of No Roads réalisée entre 2005 et 2010 évoque le voyage d’un homme à la recherche d’un idéal de société. C’est dans l’Arctique, sur les îles Svalbard, que le photographe finlandais Ville Lenkkeri a cru trouver les conditions nécessaires au développement d’une manière de vivre différente, basée sur l’entraide et l’équité.
D’une nature sauvage, dans des conditions climatiques extrêmes, ces îles pratiquement inhabitées ont vu, après la 2nde Guerre Mondiale, des compagniesminières soviétiques exploiter les richesses de leur sol et créer de toutes pièces des villes afin d’héber... - Exposition
Ville Lenkkeri - The Place of No Roads
The Place of No Roads is the visual report the Finnish photographer Ville Lenkkeri (°1972) made during his stay in the ghost town of Pyramiden. This abandoned Russian settlement, situated on the arctic Svalbard archipelago, was of seminal importance during the former Soviet regime because of its large coal mine. Miners and their families were sent to this remote, inhospitable site for a fixed period of two years. Pyramiden had an infrastructure like any other village, – schools, hospitals, libraries, museums, party halls –the only difference being that there were no roads that led to the settlement and that there was no money in circulation. The workers received their pay only upon completion of the contract.
For Lenkkeri, the lost and isolated existence at Pyramiden evokes the dream of a socialist Uto...
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