Tiina Itkonen
- Vente
Villa Grisebach, Berlin: Auction Modern and Contemporary Photographs
Now online:
Catalogue No. 159: Modern and Contemporary Photographs
Auction on Thursday, 27 November 2008, at 3 p.m.
Viewing from 22 to 26 November in Berlin, Fasanenstrasse 73.
Saturday - Tuesday, 10 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.
Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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The Helsinki School - Internat and External Landscapes
This year is the 90th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Finland and Japan, and it also happens to be Shiseido Gallery's 90th year. In light of these, Shiseido Gallery will be the first in Asia to conduct an exhibition introducing the photography of the "Helsinki School," which is currently among the vanguards of the European and American art scenes.
Helsinki School is the name given to a loose group of teachers, students, and graduates dedicated to preserving the aesthetic approaches and thinking that have emerged from the teaching methodologies used at the University of Art and Design Helsinki. These were promoted originally by Timothy Persons, the guest curator of this exhibition, who joined the faculty as senior lecturer in 1982. The university teaches not a single, specific way of thinking,... - Exposition
Marks of Honour A Striking Library
Marks of Honour - A Striking Library
Marks of Honour is a photo book project and exhibition organised and curated by Nina Poppe and Verena Loewenhaupt.
MoH was conceived in order to reveal the inspiration that a new generation of photographers have gained from the history of photography in the form of books.
13 international photographers were invited to pay artistic tribute to a publication that has been influential to their own work.
All participating works are limited to three copies, each containing the original photo book and its accompanying homage.
The exhibiton MoH/08 displays the variety of inspirational sources and their tributes through a combination of different media.
Marks of Honour is an ongoing project that aims to create a striking library of contemporary photo books.
Catalog: books@... - Exposition
Arja Hyytiäinen Distance Now - Tiina Itkonen Icescapes
Tiina Itkonen „Icescapes“ Arja Hyytiäinen „Distance Now“
Das Forum für Fotografie präsentiert zwei sehr unterschiedliche Positionen junger finnischer Fotografen.
Tiina Itkonen (*1968) führt uns mit ihren großformatigen Bildern in die weiten Eislandschaften Nordgrönlands, die sie wiederholt bereist und fotografisch dokumentiert hat. Ihre Präsentation konzentriert sich auf die sublimen, jedoch gleichzeitig bedrohten Eisberge, spürt den subtilen Farbnuancen und Lichtstimmungen der Eis- und Schneelandschaften nach und öffnet unseren Blick für eine geographisch und ästhetisch immer noch ferne und fremde Welt.
Um der Weite der Eislandschaft gerecht zu werden, präsentiert Tiina Itkonen ihre Aufnahmen in groß dimensionierten... - Exposition
Tiina Itkonen - Ultima Thule
On my first trip to Greenland, I was told I would definitely be coming back. According to a Greenlandic tale, a human being can turn into a quivigtoq, run around the fells, live there and finally die there. My desire to return to Greenland goes beyond reason. On one of my trips there I tried to shake off this madness and leave wandering in the northern landscapes, like a quivigtoq. I did not succeed.“
We are delighted to announce our second exhibition by Finnish artist, Tiina Itkonen. These large-scale colour photographs capture the artist’s fascination with the cold, barren and infinite landscape of Greenland. Steeped in blue light many of these photographs show the human outposts, the dog sledges and brightly coloured houses, in this Ultima Thule, border of the known world.
There are no roads betwe...
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