Sarah Palmer
- Concours
Annonce des lauréats du Prix Aperture Portfolio 2011
Cette année, les candidats lauréats du Prix Aperture Portfolio font preuve d'une incroyable diversité. Parmi les quelques neuf cent soumissions, les juges ont annoncé le 16 mars 2012 Sarah Palmer comme la grande lauréate. Quatre autres photographes ont également été félicités par le jury : Thibault Brunet, Lisa Lindvay, Andrew McConnell et Louis Palu.
Aperture présente leurs portfolios :
Sarah Palmer -
Thibault Brunet -
Lisa Lindvay -
Andrew McConnell -
Louie Palu -
Vigne... - Exposition
Capricious presents: Continuity of Chaos, at FOAM
At the invitation of Foam, Sophie Mörner, photographer and founder of Capricious Magazine, has created an exhibition of young (emerging) photographic talent from the United States. Capricious is a major innovative platform for contemporary photography.
The exhibition Continuity of Chaos shows the work of Luke Gilford, Nicholas Gottlund, Aaron McElroy and Sarah Palmer. These young (emerging) photographers have all been inspired by the concept of 'chaos'. Chaos is often considered as an anarchistic lack of order, not as an independent, harmonious phenomenon. But it is precisely because that lack of order is constant that it is considered within some philosophies as a state of unity and stability. Furthermore, the permanent unrest that is characteristic of chaos is necessary to allow new ideas to germina...
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