Max Snow
- Exposition
Au cœur de l’intime - Photographie méditerranéenne à la galerie agnes B.
L’intime et La Méditerranée, l’intime au cœur de l’humain et de ses représentations, La Méditerranée, fantasmée, rêvée, abimée, carrefour de civilisations, espace migratoire, où se côtoient chaque jour la beauté et la tragédie. C’est avec plaisir que la galerie du jour présente des œuvres photographiques autour de ces deux thèmes chers à agnès b.
... - Exposition
Max Snow expose "The lady of Shalott" à la galerie Colette
“I am half-sick of shadows” said The Lady of Shalott - Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1842
Max Snow's newest work takes its title from Tennyson's poem: a lyric ballad adapting Arthurian Legend. Cursed to remain alone in her island fortress, The Lady of Shalott is unable to participate in the world except to view its distorted reflection in her mirror and weave those images on her loom. Both the poem and the show serve to raise questions about society and the artist's role, responding to the conflicting commands to create art inspired by the world and also to live in it. The longstanding connection between weaving and fate implies that the ultimate destiny of the lady, as both artist and individual in society, is to see the world only through her own filters. There is also the embedded allusion to P...
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