Luc Fournol #Photographe
Né en 1931, Luc Fournol est considéré comme l'un des plus grands photographes de sa génération. Il a travaillé à " Paris-Match " à partir de 1950, et à " Jours de France " de 1952 à 1990. Pour la revue " Arts ", il a photographié les plus grands artistes internationaux des cinquante dernières années.
Exposition Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Photographs of the 60s and 70s Photographs of the 60s and 70s from the Nicola Erni Collection
"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" is a collection of spectacular snapshots of a turbulent and legendary age in the history of art, music, fashion and film – the 1960s and ’70s. These decades were known for upheaval, provocation and creative energy. The Nicola Erni Collection, based in Zug, Switzerland, of which some 200 photographs are displayed here, takes visitors right into the heart of the vibrant cultural and party life that dominated the scene in New York, London and Paris. We penetrate this world through the lenses of the great photographers of the day, from Diane Arbus and Richard Avedon, Gary Winogrand, Helmut Newton, Annie Leibovitz to Robert Mapplethorpe. They trained their cameras on a range of celebrities including big names such as...Exposition Exhibition : « Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! » in Munich Münchner Stadtmuseum's press release
"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" is a collection of spectacular snapshots of a turbulent and legendary age in the history of art, music, fashion and film – the 1960s and ’70s. These decades were known for upheaval, provocation and creative energy. The Nicola Erni Collection, based in Zug, Switzerland, of which some 200 photographs are displayed here, takes visitors right into the heart of the vibrant cultural and party life that dominated the scene in New York, London and Paris. We penetrate this world through the lenses of the great photographers of the day, from Diane Arbus and Richard Avedon, Gary Winogrand, Helmut Newton, Annie Leibovitz to Robert Mapplethorpe. They trained their cameras on a range of celebrities including big names such as Andy Warhol, The Be...Exposition Exposition de stars à la R Gallery
RGALLERY est une nouvelle galerie présente au cœur de Trouville, rue des Bains.
En plus de son exposition permanente de photos de Michel Tréhet sur Trouville et Deauville, RGALLERY ponctue les saisons d'invités selon l'actualité culturelle
trouvillaise et deauvillaise (festival du film américain et Off courts, festival du film asiatique, Salon du livre...), ou encore pour tout simplement présenter un artiste de son choix dans l'R du temps : peintres, sculpteurs ou photographes.
A l’occasion du festival du Film Américain de Deauville, RGALLERY présente des œuvres incontournables prises sur les tournages de 1950 à 1975 par des
photographes bien connus des stars.
RGALLERy présente une expositon de ...Modifier l'image