Jean-Baptiste Avril–Bodenheimer

Jean-baptiste Avril–bodenheimer

Author -Photographer Report and Architecture

«If the picture isn't good, it's because we're not near enough» said Capa. Not near enough from the other, not near enough from oneself... The paradox of sometimes putting a lot of effort too while forgetting oneself in order to travel lightly and translate what after all is only the language of the other. Report and Architecture have in common the will of being both present and discreet. Being able of giving a testimony through a sensitive vision, that we try then to share...

Born in 1965, starts to travel and take pictures in 1987 after having finished studies in philosophy and psychology. Lives in South-East Asia. Reports on conflicts in Burma and Cambodia (1989/1992).
From 1993, reports on the Bosnian conflict. Reports in Poland, Israel, Trinidad, Afghanistan...

Since 1995, regular collaboration with the United Nations: Senegal, Mali, Chad, Sierra Leone, Niger, Botswana, Burkina Faso, RDC, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda, Kosovo, Bosnia, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Laos, East Timor, Bangladesh...

Since 2002, explores the world of architecture.

- Bercy, Ministry of Finance. Photographical rereading of the building for Paul Chemetov. The Communication Service of Bercy orders 2000 copies of a monography (Alternatives Publishing) for its communication.
- Bank Indosuez. Photographical rereading for the customer and corporate communication services.
- Latham & Watkins. Photographical rereading of the building and hanging of 18 medium and large prints for the meeting rooms (5th floor).
- Photographical works for various architects in France, Israel and Luxemburg.

Projects under way

- The «cité Universitaire Internationale» (International Student Campus), Paris XIV. Exhibition and book.
- Tel-Aviv. Exhibition at the gallery «The Heder» in October 2008. Art Publishing.
- Series of portraits: Characters and perspectives.