Gert Berliner

Gert Berliner

Born August 25, 1924, Berlin Germany.
Lived in Sweden from 1939 to 1947.
Came to USA in 1947. Lived in New York and New Mexico.
From 1971-1976 lived in Rome and Cetona Italy.
Returned to New York in 1976.

Photo Essays and Stills

Published in many magazines including; Harpers Bazaar, Saturday Evening Post, America illustrated, “New York” (Herald Tribune Sunday Magazine), Book Week, The New York Times (Sunday Magazine and Book Review Sections), Progressive Architecture, New York Magazine, Midstream, Natural History Magazine.
Also, stills, covers and portraits for many books.

1968 “Silent Places- A Pilgrimage”
Photographs of the Concentration and Death Camps in Eastern Europe as they are today, With text collected and edited from poetry and other literature, both old and new, relating to this subject.

1995 Exhibition “ Silent Places- A Pilgrimage” at the Kunsthaus Schoeneberg, Berlin
2007 The Society of Publication Designers, the 42nd Publication Design annual, Merit Award
2007 Included in American Photography Annual #23
2009 Included in "The Art of Projection" by Christopher Eamon