Francesco Acerbis

Francesco Acerbis

After studying philosophy, Francesco began working first as a photographic assistant. He began working as a photographer, first as a self-taught freeancer and later as a correspondent for various agencies in Milan. Between 1994 and 2000 he completed various photographic essays and journalistic reportage in the Balkans and in Africa (in collaboration with Amref). He published a book, «La sospensione dell'anima» (Suspension of the Soul) about the Bosniac post-war period, aimed to fund the Kosevo Children Hospital in Sarajevo. In 2007 he participated to Rome FotoGrafia Festival with the exhibition «Cachan». He joined Prospekt as a founding photographer.

Représenté par Signatures (Paris), Prosppekt (pour l'italie) Expos personelles: Bidonville Lumiére - Festival international du Scoop de la ville d'Anger - Novembre 2007 ... Vivre … Le Squat des 1000 de Cachan - Festival Internazionale della fotografia di Roma - 6-29 Maggio 2007 Stand by expo collective pour les GO de Turin 2006 - Torino Sep / Oct 2005 I Diritti Negati pour Amnesty International - Milano Dec 2004 La fuga immobile: les refugés des Balkans - 2001 Bosnia La sospensione dell'anima: un aprés guerre - 1998 Livres Kosovo- 2001 Bosnia - La sospensione dell'anima: un aprés guerre - 1998