Clément Krass
- Actualité
CONTRASTE n°4 Magazine indépendant dédié à la photographie
Magazine indépendant dédié à la photographie
internationale, Contraste présente une collection de portfolios inédits. Une proposition
éditoriale inattendue, résolument ouverte sur de nouvelles lectures de l’image.
Contraste n°4 - PORTFOLIOS :
Krass Clement Hvor Ingen Talte
Donigan Cumming The Stage
Adriana Lestido Madres e Hijas
Juan Travnik Malvinas, Retretatos e Paisajes de guerra
Pavel Stecha U nás 1968-1990 In our country
Contraste n°4 - AGENDA : Le Mois de la Photo à Paris, la sélection de Contraste.
48 pages, format 21x15 cm à l’italienne, papier 170 g
5 euros - en librairie... - Exposition
Denmark in transition, at Rosphoto
Denmark in Transition is an art project dealing with contemporary Danish landscape. Fourteen of Denmark’s best photographers traveled to every corner of Denmark – each in their own direction, to their own area, and at their own pace. Their assignment was to create a picture of the Danish landscape. Each photographer contributes a unique project with either a geographical or conceptual point of departure. The themes range from ‘boundaries’ and ‘coasts’ to ‘nature rehabilitation’ and ‘a belt across Jutland’.
The photographers have interpreted, expanded and updated the landscape as an artistic and cultural-historical motif. We meet moors and toxic dumps, field boundaries and suburban architecture, motorways and playgrounds, coastal erosion and nature reserve... - Exposition
Krass Clement, À pas mesurés at the Espace Culturel Danois
Krass Clement (b. 1946) is one of the most remarkable and influential Danish photographers of his generation. All his photographs raise existential questions about the human condition; they deal with the feelings we have difficulty facing: loss, anxiety and solitude, and with those aspects of life we all try to keep at a distance. If Clement’s photographs affect us so deeply, it is not only because of his great visual talent, but also because of his ability to make these subjects accessible and immediate. This is perhaps because he actually speaks of himself. In some ways his photographic work could be seen as a type of self-portrait transposed into a world with which we are all familiar.
Clement spent a large part of his childhood in Paris and is greatly influenced by French culture. He started taking photogra... - Exposition
Krass Clement, À pas mesurés à l'Espace Culturel Danois
Krass Clement ( né en 1946 ) est l’un des photographes danois les plus marquants de sa génération. Toutes ses photographies abordent les questions existentielles de la condition humaine. Elles nous parlent des sentiments de perte, d’angoisse et de solitude. De cette part de vécu que nous essayons tous de maintenir à distance. Si l’univers photographique de Krass Clement nous touche si profondément, cela tient non seulement à son grand talent visuel, mais également à son aptitude à rendre ces thèmes proches et abordables. Peut-être est-ce en réalité parce qu’il parle de lui-même. D’une certaine façon, son oeuvre photographique peut être vue comme une sorte d’autoportrait t...
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