Barry Frydlender
- Festival
CONTACT, Toronto Photography Festival 2012
CONTACT is an annual festival of photography in Toronto, during the month of May, with over 1000 local, national and international artists exhibiting at almost 200 venues. Founded as a not-for-profit organization 16 years ago, and now a charitable organization, the festival is devoted to celebrating, and fostering the art and profession of photography. It stimulates excitement and discussion among a diverse audience that has grown to over 1.8 million. CONTACT is the largest photography event in the world, and a premiere cultural event in Canada.
Stimulated by the renewed global interest in street photography, this year’s festival explores the theme “Public” in a series of exhibitions, site-specific installations, and events across the city. Drawing attention to social and political issues tha... - Exposition
Virtual Exhibition : A Selection Images form Andrea Meislin Gallery's archive
"Dear Friends,
As many of you know, our location on Chelsea’s West 24th Street recently flooded and we were forced to vacate the space. In lieu of mounting physical exhibitions, we will be presenting bi-weekly online shows sent directly to your inbox. Every Monday we will share a selection of images culled from the gallery’s archive, highlighting a theme or a visual concept. In addition, our social media platforms will be updated with daily posts expanding on each of the selected artworks.
This week’s selection is inspired by the sheer circumstances that brought the need of an online exhibition-- water. While water may hold an array of meanings, the group of works brought to you this week attempts to avoid a symbolic interpretation, and to invoke -- through a quiet ripple-- ideas on power, bounda... - Exposition
Barry Frydlender Israël : présent composé
Que dit l’œuvre d’un artiste utilisant la photographie sur un pays où l’image est, plus qu’ailleurs, un enjeu politique ? Barry Frydlender, comme tétanisé par l’usage qui fut fait de ce médium pendant la première Intifada (1987-1993), préféra d’abord y renoncer. Puis la découverte de ce que le travail numérique pouvait apporter à l’image, dans son décalage avec la réalité, lui permit de renouer avec la photographie en 1994.
Dans une volte-face au travail de photojournalisme et au culte du bon cliché au bon moment, dû à un oeil providentiel, « the right man at the right place at the right time », Frydlender introduit patience et modestie dans la photogr...
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