Antti Laitinen
- Exposition
Exposition : Le vol en provenance d'Helsinki...
Le vol en provenance d'Helsinki... : du 6 Décembre au 15 février
Elina Brotherus
Pekka JylhÄ
C’est à une traversée de l’art finlandais contemporain que nous invite cette exposition. Elle ne revendique pas l’exhaustivité mais un choix mélangeant délibérément les générations et associant des artistes émergents à des artistes très reconnus. La scène finlandaise est extrêmement dynamique. Du fait de l’histoire propre de ce pays, elle se caractérise par une relation forte au pa... - Exposition
Imprisoned or Free I-LANDS Kunsthallen Brandts
The dream – or fear – of being stranded on a desert island can now be experienced at Kunsthallen Brandts. The exhibition I-LANDS examines the island concept from six different angles, moving between the extremes of imprisonment and freedom.
Desert islands have fascinated numerous artists, writers and filmmakers. Many works have as their origin Daniel Defoe's 18th-century novel Robinson Crusoe which describes the consequences of spiritual and social isolation. Only one thing is worse than being stranded on a desert island alone, and that is being stranded with a group, as revealed in William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies.
The opposite – the island conceived as paradise regained – has likewise served as a source of inspiration. While Paul Gaugin's paintings from Tahiti can make us wish our... - Exposition
Contemporary Now ! - Galerie anhava
The autumn season at Galerie Anhava begins with ”CONTEMPORARY NOW!" displaying works by five artists. It will present topical art of various kinds that is literally being made at the present moment by young, or not so old, artists of different countries and continents. They are all interesting and good artists in their own ways, and I am certain that we will hear more about them in the future.
Joseph L. James (born 1979 in the United States) is currently completing his Master of Arts degree at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki. James works with monochrome paper or multicoloured posters, drawing complex designs on the back of the paper and cutting out what is not needed. He then mounts these papercuts either individually or on top of each other to hang freely against a wall or stand, or in t... - Exposition
Antti Laitinen
L’art d’Antti Laitinen est un art de la performance, qu’il s’agisse de performances réalisées devant un public dans un espace urbain (Running Wheel, Snow Man), ou de performances réalisées en pleine nature (Untitled, a seven day digging event). Toutes ces actions engagent un rapport physique fort de l’artiste avec son propre corps, qui le place dans la lignée du Body art.
Les œuvres réalisées dans la nature se situent également dans une certaine relecture du Land Art, où l’artiste modifie provisoirement ou durablement le paysage - un chemin creusé en rampant jusqu’à la mer (Attempt to split the sea), la construction d’une île artificielle (My Island) - et conserve les traces de c...
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