Alexandra Navratril #Photographe
Née à Zurich en 1978, Alexandra Navratil est basée à Zurich et Amsterdam. Elle a étudié au Goldsmith College de Londres et a été lauréate de plusieurs prix, dont le Swiss Art Awards en 2009 et 2012, et le Prix Manor du canton de Zurich en 2012.
Exposition Exhibition : « Black magic » Press Release - BLACK MAGIC, the title of the exhibit, refers on the one hand to the name of the well-known, fluid photo emulsion which enables light-sensitive photographic coatings to be permanently applied to almost any surface. Yet more is involved: the idea of the alchemical transformation of a mundane material into an illuminated magical element that emancipates creativity from the equipment, and at the same time turns the products of the universe of technical images into inscribed surfaces of their own illusion and their own meaning. Photography is generally viewed as an instrument-based form of art: the camera moves between the reality that is to be represented and the creative will of the photographer; the camera as a magical instrument which, by means of the exposure to light of photochemical paper and in cooper...Exposition Exhibition : « Form Regained » at i8 Gallery i8 is pleased to announce the opening of Form Regained, this Thursday, 30th of April at 5-7 pm.
The exhibition brings together a selection of works by three artists; Alexandra Navratil, Erin Shirreff and Lara Viana, that build on fragmenting and re-shaping archives and memory. The work investigates issues of reproduction and the layering effects of media from multiple perspectives of personal and public territories. Lapses in time and scale telescope through transposing processes and techniques, and manifest in slide projections, paintings, photographs and video. This is the first time all three artists show at i8 Gallery.
© Lara Viana
© Alexandra Navratil
...Exposition Exposition de Alexandra Navratil Le travail d’Alexandra Navratil se focalise sur la manière dont les innovations technologiques de la fin du 19e siècle, dans le domaine de l’optique, ont bouleversé nos modes de perception. A partir de fonds d’archives, photographiques ou cinématographiques, l’artiste raconte une histoire indicible que seul ce matériau marginal et méconnu peut révéler. Pour son exposition au CCS, elle produit spécialement de nouvelles œuvres dont les techniques s’inspirent des « Phantom Rides », ces courts films expérimentaux des débuts du cinéma qui transportaient les spectateurs à l’avant d’un train en pleine course. L’artiste s’appuie ici plus particulièrement sur des séquences produites par l’Institut colonial d’Amsterdam...Modifier l'image