Philagrafika 1616 Walnut Street Suite 918 19103 Philadelphia États-Unis
In January 2010, Philadelphia will host the inaugural year of Philagrafika 2010, an international triennial that celebrates the role of print as a vital force in contemporary art. Set to be one of the largest arts events in the United States, Philagrafika 2010 will showcase the work of more than 400 artists and will unite 88 Philadelphia art institutions, including Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Moore College of Art & Design, The Print Center, and Temple Gallery, Tyler School of Art, Temple University.
The festival is divided into 3 components:
The Graphic Unconscious is the core exhibition which explores the ubiquitous presence of printed matter in our visual culture and how concepts like accessibility, democratization, dissemination and transience inform diverse contemporary art practices while expanding the realm of printmaking itself. This exhibition exposes the print component in sculptural, environmental, performance, pictorial and video works, and highlights their relevance to contemporary art.
The Graphic Unconscious exhibition was organized by Philagrafika 2010 Artistic Director, José Roca and a curatorial team comprised of John Caperton, Curator of Prints & Photographs at The Print Center; Sheryl Conkelton, independent curator; Shelley Langdale, Associate Curator of Prints and Drawings at the Philadelphia Museum of Art; Lorie Mertes, Director/Chief Curator of the Galleries at Moore College of Art & Design; Julien Robson, Curator of Contemporary Art at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA).
Eric Avery | Christiane Baumgartner | Erick Beltrán | Bitterkomix | Mark Bradford | Eloísa Cartonera | Sue Coe | Julius Deutschbauer | Dispatch | Drive By Press | Self Help Graphics & Art | Art Hazelwood | Orit Hofshi | Thomas Kilpper | Gunilla Klingberg | Virgil Marti | Paul Morrison | Óscar Muñoz | Pepón Osorio | Carl Pope | Qiu Zhijie | Betsabeé Romero | Francesc Ruiz | Jenny Schmid | Temporary Services | Regina Silveira | Dexter Sinister | Kiki Smith | Space 1026 | Superflex | Swoon | Tabaimo Tabaimo | Barthélémy Toguo | Tromarama Tromarama | YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES
Out of Print pairs five artists with five historic institutions in Philadelphia: the American Philosophical Society (APS) Museum; the Historical Society of Pennsylvania; the Independence Seaport Museum; the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, and the Rosenbach Museum & Library. Each artist created new work for the festival inspired by the extraordinary collection with which they were matched.
Lisa Anne Auerbach | Cannonball Press | Enrique Chagoya | Pablo Helguera | Duke Riley
Independent Projects, organized by seventy-five additional cultural institutions in Philadelphia, include a huge variety of monographic, group, and thematic exhibitions in which the printed image plays a central role.