Fiera Milano International spa Via Varesina, 76 20156 Milano Italie
About to be staged for the 14th time, MiArt, Milan's International Modern and Contemporary Art Fair, has set itself the task of becoming an unmissable date on the Italian and international art calendar. For this reason, the fair, which for years has been showcasing the finest galleries specializing in 20th century art, has enlisted the help of a respected curator for 2009: Giacinto Di Pietrantonio. His task is to redefine the concept and rethink the approach of the event, in particular as regards the contemporary sector within the Italian and international context.
This will take the form of a series of initiatives, which we invite you to discover for yourself in the other sections of this website. But we'd like to mention here that the new developments include the establishment of a new Selection Committee and changes to the time periods that define the modern and contemporary sections, the selection of participating galleries, the opening dates and the event literature. There will also be a new coordinated program for collectors, put together by Laura Garbarino.
Plus, MiArt's organizers intend to establish an active dialogue between the fair and its home city - with the arts, institutional and business worlds of Milan, a city with an enormous, and often unexpressed, potential. The art fair is set to become instrumental in relaunching this potential and the role of the city on the Italian and international art worlds. It will act as both the direct and indirect promoter of initiatives outside the fair that will improve the visibility of both the fair itself and Milan.
MiArt is therefore organizing a series of exhibitions in various locations about the city. The first will be based around a series of performances to take place during Milan's Contemporary Art Day on October 4 at a prestigious city location and a series of conferences featuring figures from the international art world who'll discuss Milan's cultural heritage in important architectural and historical sites about the city. MiArt is also producing a new publication intended to help people rediscover Milan and its art.
We are confident that these and other initiatives, presented in collaboration with the city's public and private sectors (as already shown in the Miraggi project), will restore Milan's central role and reinvigorate its cultural and economic energies.
Only through collective dialogue can Milan return to the role it deserves. And MiArt will be playing its part in this new geography. It will become an unparalleled showcase for art and the international art market as it takes on the challenges that the contemporary arts world demands.
We therefore look forward to seeing you at fiermilanocity between April 17 and 20, 2009 (with the inauguration scheduled for Thursday, April 16) and in the streets and squares of Milan!