Atris festival Peliti Associati Atri Italie
The City of Atri, in association with the Abruzzo Regional Administration, is holding an international festival on the importance and development of reportage in the history of information and on journalistic determination in the field:
Reportage. Pictures, words, stories.
The subject of reportage is discussed, studied and illustrated in all forms: from photography to radio and print media to video. An all round approach is adopted to focus on the reporter’s profession in an unusual and absorbing way by contrasting different international situations.
Telling about what you have seen with your own eyes, experienced directly, in pictures, words and sounds has an inestimable value. It is a contribution to communication, dialogue, knowledge and understanding. Investigative journalism in every form should be encouraged and appreciated.
The theme of this first festival – The skin, or contact, but also contrast, suffering, identity, change – speaks the physical language of reality.
Reportage. Pictures, words, stories: from 18 June to 18 August 2009 a programme packed with events, exhibitions and meetings in Atri, Teramo province, a few kilometres from the Costa Giardino on the Adriatic.
The Festival, whose programme was decided before the tragedy that struck Abruzzo, now has the additional aim of giving sight, sound and space to the earthquake.
Reportage. Pictures, words, stories is aimed at the professional and all those wishing to come into direct contact with investigative journalism and its practitioners.
Festival director
Toni Capuozzo, journalist and TG5 correspondent.
Scientific committee
Alberto Abruzzese, communications sociologist at IULM, Milan
Mario Peliti, publisher, photography and communications expert
Lao Petrilli, Radio Dimensione Suono journalist
Giovanni Porzio, Panorama special correspondent
Peliti Associati
Viale Beata Vergine del Carmelo, 12 – 00144 Rome
Via Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, 23 – 20124 Milan